How To Build A Client List as a Dietitian

How To Build A Client List as an RD

Starting a private practice as a Registered Dietitian is one of the best things you can do for you, your career, your clients, and your personal life. Why? Because having a private nutrition business opens a WORLD of possibilities for what you can become. As a private practice RD, you have the freedom to work with who you want, make what you want, live where you want, and genuinely make the impact you want in the world. 

However, there are challenges when opening an online private practice, of course! You now not only have to be a rockstar RD (which you already are), but you also have to be business savvy to a degree. Management and marketing tasks you never had to dip your toes into, suddenly become a big part of your business. One key component of that is maintaining a good client database! 

The word “database” might seem technical and the whole process may be a little intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! This is something that’s actually really easy to do (though a little tedious), and the sooner you do it, the better for your nutrition business. So, today, we’re talking about building a client list as an RD. 

How To Build A Client List as an RD

How To Build A Client List as an RD

Detailed record keeping is a really smart idea for a Registered Dietitian. Having a list of all your clients with all the pertinent information easily accessible will help you be more efficient, offer more personalized care, run thorough data analysis, and maintain HIPAA compliance. 

The earlier you start this, the better, because then it’s not so intimidating to create! Each time you add a new client, simply add them to your database and your master list will naturally grow. If you have a lot of clients already, it’ll take a little longer to create, but it’s still pretty easy! 

what is a client master list?

What Is a Client Master List?

A master client list is a database of all your past and present clients. (You could even add potential clients!) It logs information that’s important for you to know as their RD! This list will help you quickly recall information about your clients and refine your plans for their care. 

Additionally, when you have a list of all your client info, it’s easy to map trends and measure progress, so you know how to find more dreamy clients. For example, if your current niche is helping people who are struggling to lose weight, but you’re noticing in your data that you’re naturally attracting postpartum women who are seeing weight loss, it may be time to refine your messaging and narrow your niche

Lastly, having a secure master client list will help you be compliant with HIPAA legal requirements. It’ll allow you to maintain better security, manage access control, and track required forms. All around, a client master list is ESSENTIAL! 

How To Build A Client List for RDs

How to Create a Client List as an RD

Step One: Make a list of all your clients (past and present.) 

First, simply make a list of all your past and present clients. Just start with their names! Type it into a document or handwrite it. (Again, you could add potential customers too, but that may be useful in another database for marketing.) 

Step Two: Note everything you want to track. 

Next, jot down everything you want to track. Here are some good things to track in your client master list:

  • First and Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone Number

  • Address

  • Date of Birth 

  • Initial Consultation Date 

  • Health Goals

  • Notes/Progress

  • Next Appointment Date 

  • Completed HIPAA Forms

  • How They Found You (social media, word of mouth, etc.)

Step Three: Create a spreadsheet or use Practice Better. 

Punch all the information into a spreadsheet or into a program like Practice Better! I personally like Practice Better, because it allows you to create profiles for your clients that are easily editable and searchable. It’s naturally secure and includes other client management features, too! 

Step Four: Gather and enter all your client data. 

Now, gather all the necessary information and punch all the data into your spreadsheet or chosen program. 

Step Five: Use filters and sorting.

Add sorting and filtering to help you process and track important information! Again, this will be easier on a dedicated program, but if you’re pretty savvy with spreadsheets, you can create pivot tables that do the same things! 

Step Six: Save and backup everything. 

Save everything and ensure you have backups! This information is extremely important. 

Step Seven: Ensure your list is secured. 

If you use a program like Practice Better, the platform is already HIPAA compliant and secured! However, if you’re using a spreadsheet, you’ll have to take additional measures to manage access and protect your client’s information. 

Step Eight: Update it regularly. 

Finally, just ensure you update your master list each time you have a session, add a new client, or receive more information. 

A master client list is essential for Registered Dietitians with a professional and compliant private nutrition business! 

See? Creating a master client list is nothing to stress about! It may take some time, but it’s not a complicated process. However, it does probably bring up more questions about the business-side of running an online private practice! Our background as RDs is years and years of nutrition schooling . . . not business schooling. There’s a lot you may not know or have experience with. 

This is one of the many reasons hiring a Dietitian Business Coach is a smart idea! Not only can someone like me help you with the business-side of things, but I know first-hand what it’s like to grow a private nutrition business! I will help you find your ideal clients, develop a marketing strategy, find financial success, and have the private practice of your dreams!

Just apply to work with me and let’s see if we’d make a good team. Until then, check out the blog for more helpful info on making your nutrition business dreams into a reality!


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