What Must a Dietitian Entrepreneur Do AFTER Creating a Business Plan?
Many of us Registered Dietitians had big dreams for our future in nutrition and dietetics when we were in school. Then, as we got into a standard RD position, the longing for those dreams either got stronger or faded away. First of all, don’t let your vision of a meaningful career in nutrition and dietetics slip away, because that future is available to you!
Why do I bring this up? Because I know you have a business idea in mind that you’d run to if you had the chance! Whether you’ve done the hard work of creating a business plan in an official capacity or your dreams are scribbled out on a few loose pieces of notebook paper, I’m here to tell you that you’re ready. It’s time to take the next steps to totally unlock your potential as an RD by opening your own online private practice!
Of course, I know that can seem scary, but there are so many benefits to having your own nutrition business. You can have more flexibility, better pay (eventually), and, most importantly, the opportunity to make a real difference with your OWN business! There are people you are uniquely qualified and primed to help, and they’re just waiting for you to realize your own potential and launch your own nutrition business!
As someone who opened my own private practice and struggled for the first few years, I seriously know how daunting this is. At some point, you just get STUCK and don’t know how to move forward with your dreams. That’s why I’ve dedicated this post to giving a step-by-step guide to what to do after you have your business plan!
Here are your next steps:
What Must a RD Entrepreneur Do AFTER Creating a Business Plan?
Step 1: Don’t overthink your business plan.
If it wasn’t clear in the intro, please don’t overthink your business plan. You don’t need to have every aspect of the business structure and business strategy down before you move forward. Truthfully, waiting around for the answers won’t get you anywhere.
You’re never going to have it all figured out. So, let yourself just dream on paper for a little while! Write down your business idea and let your vision run WILD. Don’t overthink what’s possible or feasible. Just let yourself dream like you did in college to really discover what you’re passionate about.
Step 2: Take inventory of your necessary certifications and licenses.
This next step in starting a business isn’t nearly as fun as dreaming about your future, but it’s a necessary step to ensure you have all your bases covered before taking on clients. Take some time to research your state requirements and your national requirements for essential certifications and licensure.
Whether it’s a business license, your RD certification, some legal documents, or your states specific requirements for either certification or licensure, having everything accounted for will give you peace of mind that you can pursue your business and your bases will be covered!
Step 3: Spend time getting to know yourself, your values, and your beliefs.
Here’s where many business coaches would tell you to whip up a logo, create a catchy name, or assemble the perfect color scheme. This is actually why most business coaches don’t work for RDs, they simply don’t get the personal nature of what we do! It goes way beyond flashy visuals and a trendy mission statement.
So, instead of doing that, look inward and start to focus on what your beliefs and values are. You don’t need to know what your brand looks like; you need to know what your brand STANDS FOR. Consider above all else your mission and perspective. What’s going to make your brand successful more than a memorable name is your powerful and one-of-a-kind way of reaching your audience and bringing them relief. Don’t forget how meaningful your work is!
Step 4: Set harmonious goals for your professional and personal life.
Something else unique I always like included in a business plan I draw up with my colleagues are the goals of both your professional and personal life. Why is this important? If you’re going to create a life you truly love, and not just get another RD “job,” you need your private practice and your home life to coexist seamlessly.
I see so many entrepreneurs make the mistake of jumping right into building a business without putting their dream lifestyle first. But, what’s the point of building a dream nutrition practice if you can’t have your dream life, too? Right? What do you want for your family, relationships, hobbies, self-care, etc. Really get into the nitty-gritty of what your whole future looks like . . . and then ensure the vision for your private practice will support that dream!
Step 5: Don’t quit your day job.
I don’t mean to be blunt with you, (I say this in the best most loving way) - starting a private practice won’t bring you clients and profit right away. The beauty of the internet is that you can have a thriving online business venture while also working your day job! That means you don’t have to worry about securing funding, going into tons of debt, or risking assets and relationships that are important to you.
Let your current income be fuel for your future as you build your future. Then, when you’ve worked out the kinks and your practice is thriving, you’ll have all the confidence (and none of the stress) to leave that job! and I can’t wait for that day!
Step 6: Evaluate where you and your business need support.
Growing a new business is hard for anyone. Post-launch, you’ll probably think of a hundred areas where you feel you fall short. First of all, give yourself some grace as a new entrepreneur! Second of all, this is why building your team is so important. When I say “team” I don’t mean other RDs, I actually mean other services that can help you do more and reach your goals faster.
You may hire someone to help with bookkeeping if that’s a struggle. Or, perhaps you need help with all the legal pieces of business. (I recommend Sam Vander Wielen for that one!) However, one of the best things you can do for your young business is hire a nutrition business coach like me.
No one knows this game like another RD. Our industry requires a tailored, custom approach to every business. No quick-fix, one-size-fits-all program is going to get the job done. In The Foundation™ program, I will help you with all the growing pains of a new business, give you all the tools you need to THRIVE, and support you every step of the way. There is no greater investment you could make, than in you and your dreams!
Step 7: Determine who in your community you could help right now.
Niching down is going to be very important for the growth of your business. Positioning yourself to be uniquely qualified to help a certain type of client will allow you to build credibility and loyalty in that community. Casting a wide net and trying to help everyone rarely makes for a successful private practice.
If you’re unsure of your target audience, think back to people you’ve helped in the past. What nutrition areas or topics excite you? What questions about nutrition were fun to answer? And, what kind of clients were the most fulfilling to help? Ask yourself lots of questions and try to determine your dreamy client. This should help you refine your niche!
Step 8: Conduct market research and network.
Dive deeper into that dreamy client. The better you understand your target market, the better you’ll be able to reach them in a heartfelt and authentic way when you get into advertising and marketing. As RDs, our extensive education can make us quite clinical when we speak. So, humanizing your ideal client as much as possible will allow you to push past the coldness of our clinical speech and help us uncover the message they’re wanting to hear from us. Discover who your client is–mind, body, and soul!
As you get to know them better, also get more familiar with their community and find opportunities to network. For example, if you’re helping women with PCOS find relief through nutrition, it may be a good idea to form relationships with OBGYNs who also specialize in PCOS. Or, if you’re hoping to bring relief to children with allergies, contacting an allergist clinic could provide the perfect opportunity to better get to know your dreamy client and market to them when the time comes!
Step 9: Decide on your services and set your prices.
Once you have your niche, determine what products or services you’ll offer. Make plans for each one and set your prices. I want you to remember that you are WORTHY and VALUABLE and your pricing should reflect that. Don’t think the lowest fees are going to automatically get all the clients. And DON’T discount yourself. Remember—charging the value of what you are delivering is actually MORE supportive to your client in showing up for themselves and the transformation they desire. Make sure you’re passionate about the services you offer and your prices reflect your true merit.
Step 10: Start getting comfortable with social media.
I know, I know, don’t click away yet. I am not saying that an RD’s practice has to rely ONLY on social media to grow. However, let’s remember that it’s a FREE platform that you can use when getting started. I mean, years ago, start-up costs for businesses were enormous—reaching people cost a lot of money when it involved printing and buying ad space in physical media. Now you can find your people simply by sharing information and support online. This is not only a good marketing strategy for finding new clients, social media is also the perfect way to develop a digital resume.
At Jaime Mass Nutritionals, we’ll help you build your practice both on AND off social media. Because we don't believe in JUST being on social media alone. Until then, it’s best to get acquainted with social platforms to learn how you can best connect with your audience there. Start posting, show your face, and share your expert knowledge. Your passion will shine through!
Step 11: Leave perfectionism behind.
The most important thing here is to take action. Don’t allow perfectionism to stop you from going after your dreams! You don’t need a solid business plan with all the answers. What you need you already have…the intellect, the skill, the personality, and the passion to help people take control of their lives through nutrition. Nothing we do in the beginning is going to be perfect, so why try to make it so? It’s time to MAKE YOUR MOVE!
No matter how concrete your business plan is, it’s time to take action!
Most new entrepreneurs think that in order to start a nutrition and dietitian career successfully, business plans need to be precise and thorough. It’s just not the case! It gives us too many opportunities to find reasons we don’t think we’re ready or good enough to get started. But, you are! You are already qualified, you already have the experience, and you already have the audience, too! It’s just a matter of finding them. Join me and our colleagues in The Foundation® program and don’t miss a blog post. I’ve got the resources and support to help you make your dreams a reality!