How To Bill For Concierge Services: For RDs

How To Bill For Concierge Services: For RDs

As a Registered Dietitian, you know the importance of nutrition coaching . . . not just one time, but for a lifetime. And, chances are, as you work with your dreamy clients, they’ll realize how incredibly valuable you are in their lives. They’ll realize you’re essential to their health goals and want to keep you around all the time. 

When you start getting clients giving you feedback like this, it’s time to develop a concierge model for your private nutrition practice! Not only is it profitable from a business perspective, but it’s the perfect way to give your dreamy clients the high-touch nutrition services they need to reach their goals. However, whenever you add a new service, it begs the question: How do you bill and what do you charge?

Let’s dive more into nutrition concierge practices and how they work:

How To Bill For Concierge Services: For RDs

How To Bill For Concierge Services: For RDs

To bill for concierge services, you simply set it up in your client management system. I recommend Practice Better! There, you can either set up payment plans or invoice people directly through the software. It’s easy! If you don’t yet have a client management system, I recommend you get one soon for your growing nutrition business. 

what is a concierge practice

What Is A Concierge Practice?

A concierge business is a nutrition practice that offers more comprehensive services for its clients. These concierge services allow clients to contact you more frequently and with more flexibility. This means you’ll usually offer extended hours and easier scheduling. The idea is, these clients can reach you faster, easier, and more often than your other clients! 

Beyond the on-demand nature of concrete services, these luxury packages will also normally involve really in-depth sessions with personalized and expansive care. Whereas other clients you just meet with and offer advice and nutrition plans, with a concierge service you may actually grocery shop for them or draft a custom weekly meal plan. Those are just a couple of examples of the kind of high-level service you could offer in your concierge services!

How Do Concierge Services Work?

Concierge services can work in a number of ways. You have to decide what is best for you! First of all, you need to decide what you’ll offer as part of this luxury package. Then you’ll need to figure out the model. Maybe concierge services are membership models or custom plan packages. 

After that, you’ll need to consider how you’ll manage scheduling and communications. Remember, it’s still SO important that you maintain a good work-life balance . . . so being available to your clients 24/7 isn’t my recommendation. However, your concierge clients will expect a higher level of care, so you need to determine how you can do that while serving yourself and your personal life. 

how to charge for concierge services

How To Charge For Concierge Services

Step 1: Determine the details of your concierge service. 

As we said, you first need to determine what’s included in your concierge model. For a client to take that leap into luxury services, the value needs to be clear. You could offer more frequent calls, grocery shopping, personal cooking classes, custom weekly meal plans, and more! Determine what makes sense for your dietetic niche and your client needs. 

Step 2: Research the market. 

Next, find other private RDs in your niche and make note of how much they charge. Figure out an average range of rates so you have a good baseline. Make sure you’re looking at RDs that are the same level as you! Don’t look into nutritionists or other lesser qualified individuals that may be advertising similar services. 

Step 3: Consider your business expenses. 

Luckily, one of the benefits of a private online nutrition business is low overhead. However, there are still business expenses! Take into consideration your monthly business costs when setting your rate. If these services are going to be taking up a lot of your time, you need to be getting paid for it to keep your nutrition business thriving! 

Step 4: Don’t undervalue your expertise, experience, and education. 

I can’t emphasize this enough, but remember how VALUABLE you are! It’s so easy for us to think of ourselves as unworthy of getting paid what we really deserve, leading to burnout and struggle. Don’t forget about all your experience, your unmatched expertise, and your years of education. You’ve earned luxury pricing for your luxury business! 

Step 5: Decide how you’ll structure your services. 

If your concierge services are going to be membership-based, you need to decide what your monthly membership fees or annual fees are going to be for that model. If you’d rather not do ongoing memberships, you can also offer various concierge packages that are billed at once and last for a set duration of time. 

Step 6: Be confident in your choice and don’t be too quick to lower your prices. 

With all this information, set your price. Clients are aware that concierge services are a luxury, they’re not cheap, and won’t be included in the covered services with their health insurance. Remember, if you offer concierge care, you deserve concierge pricing. Not every potential client will be interested, and that’s okay. Don’t be quick to lower your prices. What you’re offering and your expansive qualifications make your rates totally justified!

If you’re struggling to get dreamy clients to buy into your nutrition coaching, that doesn’t necessarily mean your pricing is off. A lot could be to blame for your struggling nutrition business! Luckily, I’ve seen it all as a luxury business coach, and I can help you create a successful and thriving private practice. Just apply to work with me and we can find your dreamy clients, master your marketing, and take your nutrition business to the next level. 

Setting your prices is one of the hardest parts of having your own business, but never forget how much YOU are worth. 

Concierge services are becoming increasingly popular in the nutrition business. That’s because people are becoming intimately aware of how important food is to their body and health goals. They’re also realizing how hard it is to do this thing alone! Because of that, it’s a great time to offer concierge services to your dreamy clients!

I hope this post helped you better understand this model and set your pricing right. For more must-have information on growing your private nutrition practice, head over to my blog! I’ve got plenty of advice for RDs at every stage of the process!


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