Why Private Practice RDs Need a Business Coach for Health Professionals

Business Coach for RDs

For many Registered Dietitians, opening their own successful nutrition coaching business is a dream come true. With your own online private practice, you can finally serve who you want, work when you want, live where you want, and make what you want. However . . . we all know it’s not as easy as making a flashy post on Instagram to get the clients rolling in. 

Many RDs stay in their traditional 9-5 despite being overworked, underpaid, and WAY underappreciated, just because they’re intimidated by starting their own private practice. And, look, I get it! You know that your expertise and training is in food and nutrition NOT business and marketing, yet you need some sort of entrepreneurial savvy to have a successful practice. So, what do you do?

You could try it on your own, figuring it out one step at a time, but this can honestly waste a lot of your time, effort, and money as you trial and error your way through everything. I don’t want that for you! Instead, I recommend a business coach that can help guide you through your entrepreneurial journey. But, no, don’t go hiring just any business coach. You KNOW that the nutrition business is incredibly unique, nuanced, and delicate, and you need a coach that will understand your industry intimately. 

Luckily, there are dietitian business coaches like me that have done what you’ve done! I’ve been through all the schooling, training, certification processes, and internships. More than that, I have experience in traditional RD jobs and have experience building my own private practice from the ground up. Now, I help RDs just like you realize their dreams with personalized strategy that’ll take your practice from a budding start-up to a thriving business! 

Here’s why you need a business coach specifically for health professionals: 

Why Private Practice RDs Need a Business Coach for Health Professionals

Why Private Practice RDs Need a Business Coach for Health Professionals 

The nutrition field is unique for so many reasons. A standard business coach who is used to tried-and-true, cookie cutter approaches to business development can’t get a grasp on the nuances of the nutrition industry. A dietitian business coach is going to understand how rapidly evolving science, diverse specializations, consumer trends, and the strict regulatory environment of the field of nutrition all play into the way the business is managed. 

Beyond the logistical and science side of things, the nutrition industry also works with people in a way that’s deeply personal. What and how people eat and the goals they’re trying to achieve make nutrition counseling a delicate and highly interpersonal affair—the usual marketing and sales “tricks” and business strategy won’t appeal to your audience or be effective in growing your practice! 

All of that is to say, It’s SO IMPORTANT that you’re working with a business coach who BELIEVES in the incredible importance of a Registered Dietitian, and sees what you do as more than a profitable health care field. They need to feel deeply about nutrition and your dreamy clients in the same way you do and work alongside you with the same beliefs, values, and expertise. 

If you’re one of the many RDs who want to connect their education into real world entrepreneurship, finding a dietitian business coach should be one of your first steps. For those of you that are totally new to opening your private practice, The Foundation® program will be perfect for you! But, if you’ve been trying your best to develop your practice on your own for a while, but you just feel STUCK, don’t worry, you can 100% benefit from a dietitian business coach as well. Join The Rise® program instead! 

Why Private Practice RDs Need a Business Coach for Health Professionals

What Does a Business Coach Do For Private Practice RDs

Develop a business plan that won’t waste time, energy, and money.

When you start a private practice, a business plan is the first step. However, it can be hard for RDs to connect their formal education into real world business practice. A dietitian business coach can help you develop a strategy that is sure to help you reach your goals as quickly and easily as possible! 

Figure out your target market.

Niche down is essential for business success, but it can also be intimidating if you’ve been taking any client that comes your way. A dietitian business coach will help you narrow your niche in a way that aligns with your purpose and business goals! 

Get you fully booked with a waitlist of dreamy clients. 

The goal is to be BOOKED UP. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been doing this private practice thing for a while, a dietitian business coach will be essential in getting your schedule fully booked and establishing a waitlist of dreamy potential clients that are dying to work with you!

Receive premium pay for your expertise. 

Many RDs are so used to being underpaid, they underpay themselves even in their private practice. A dietitian business coach will help you establish a fair, but premium price for your services AND will help you demonstrate your value to your dreamy clients so they’re more than willing to pay it. 

Create clear objectives and attainable goals. 

Setting goals can be hard when you feel like you’re just trying to keep the metaphorical online doors open to your private practice. A dietitian business coach will work with you to set clear objective and attainable goals that will continually level-up your business. 

Learn honest and heartfelt marketing.

As RDs, we know that both traditional marketing tactics like billboards and trendy marketing tactics like social media dances aren’t a good fit for a health coach of any kind—especially a Registered Dietitian! Your coaching program needs to be presented in a way that’s honest and heartfelt, but still captures the attention of your dreamy clients. A dietitian business coach will be especially good at developing a great marketing strategy for you that does just that! 

Identify blind spots that may hurt your business. 

If you’re new to business and entrepreneurship, you simply can’t know what you don’t know. However, a dietitian business coach will fill all your knowledge gaps and ensure you’re not doing anything that’ll hurt you or your practice long term. 

Work through self-imposed limitations. 

When you spend a lot of your career being underappreciated and even slighted by other health professionals because you’re in the nutrition industry or just because you’re a woman, it's easy to have limiting beliefs about what you can accomplish. This is WILD considering how much education and training you have and how incredibly passionate and talented you are. A dietitian business coach will help you develop confidence and self-assurance! 

Explore unconventional solutions and overcome challenges. 

There are plenty of challenges when going online as a private RD. A dietitian business coach will be there to navigate each obstacle with you. 

Provide unbiased opinions and constructive criticism. 

A dietitian business coach will teach you how to process and respond to constructive criticism, whether it’s feedback from clients or feedback from your coach! 

Build networks and partnerships. 

There are lots of ways online coaches can help you build a network even remotely! These partnerships can be so valuable to the growth of your private practice! 

Enhance your leadership and business skills. 

You may in general know about leadership and business, but your dietitian business goal will give you real world application tools and strategies. 

Futureproof your business with a plan.

You want your online private practice to suit you and your goals for the long-term. It needs to serve you today, tomorrow, and ten years from now. A dietitian business coach will work with you to create a business plan that is sustainable, profitable, and 100% FULFILLING. 

what does a business coach do for private practice Rds

Registered Dietitians need a business coach that understands their unique needs!

There are lots of reasons to hire a nutrition business coach if you want to grow the private practice of your dreams. Don’t wait any longer to build your successful business. Take the quiz to see if coaching is right for you and apply to work with me today! Together, we can make something purposeful, profitable, and powerful!


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